Dr. Glen H. Johnson is the Chief Technology Officer for the Department of State. He is responsible for providing senior executive guidance to the Department’s executive leadership and bureaus on scientific and technology issues. He coordinates closely with the Chief Information Officer as new technologies are implemented and assists in planning both near term and long-term impacts of emerging technologies. A member of the Senior Executive Service with over two decades in executive leadership positions in the Department, Dr. Johnson previously served as Deputy Chief Information Officer for Operations. Dr. Johnson has managed many large, complex, high risk projects such as the Foreign Affairs Cloud Environment Technology (FACET) program that enabled Department unclassified system to connect to the Cloud; and the modernization of the Department’s communications, command and control system, known as State Messaging and Archival Retrieval Toolset (SMART)
Dr. Johnson has received numerous awards including two Senior Executive Service Presidential Rank Awards, the White House Year 2000 Medal, and several Superior Honor Awards. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland in national security studies and computer science, and holds master’s degrees in Latin American studies and quantitative research methods and an undergraduate degree in political science from Brigham Young University.